jueves, 26 de marzo de 2020

5º y 6º A Ingles Teacher Daniel Flag Day (Dia de la Bandera) danfe6803@gmail.com


Hello children!! How are you? Vamos a organizar un llamada grupal por whats app. Así podemos saludarnos, saber como están  y practicar ingles!!!Entonces les pido me envíen  mensaje con nombre y apellido, escuela y año 1138089718
Thank you!!
Teacher Daniel

A)   Manuel Belgrano biography

·         Manuel José Joaquin del Corazon de Jesus Belgrano was born in Buenos Aires, in 1770.
·         His father was Italian and his mother was born in Santiago del Estero.
·         In 1810, he was part of the May Revolution
·         On May 25th, he was selected member of the Primera Junta de Gobierno, with another two men, Castelli and Paso.
·         He created the flag of Argentina on February 27th, 1812.

·         He died on June 20th, 1820


                                                                ·         Was born (nació)                                   
·         Was (era)
·         As (como)
          ·         Flag (bandera)
    ·         Died (murió)

True or False?
1)   Manuel Belgrano died on July 20th, 1820
2)   His mother was Argentinian
3)   The flag of Argentina was created on February 27th , 1810
4)   His father was Canadian
5)   Castelli was member of the Primera Junta de Gobierno


             1)   He created the flag
                       2)   Her mother was born in…
3)   He died on...
      4)   He was part of…
                  5)   His father was Italian…

a)   El  murió  el…
         b)   Su papá era italiano
        c)   El  formó parte de…
     d)   El creó la bandera
       e)   Su mamá nació en…

B) Listen and complete the poem. Then colour the drawings . Escuchen el audio y completen el poema. Luego pinten los dibujos

                                ·         Stripes (franjas, tiras)
      ·         With (con)
·         And (y)
                     ·         For me (para mi)
                            ·         Beautiful (hermosa)
                                                  ·         Great (grandiosa, importante)
                                              ·         Every day! (¡Todos los dias!)

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